
ジェイソン空を飛ぶ - 1

かっちょえー! 本人大喜び!

Im flying to seattle this morning... it is way to early to be so awake.
if you're wondering whats happening in seattle, check out my latest blog over at www.jasoncastromusic.com !!


running errands

Posted by Jason Castro July 12, 2010

thats what ive been doing today... although my errand running hasn't been that successful... haha i went to a guitar shop to get my guitar checked out and it was closed! always call before you go... duh. haha it got better though, i went to guitar center and stocked up on a few items. ya! i get excited over new picks... weird... haha then my errands brought me home. im gearing up for a few cool shows over the next few week. you all probably know about the philly show, its been posted for a while now... i cant wait to play with the band!

i had a really cool invitation come in this week to go up to McChord Airforce base in Seattle and perform and stay on the base! not only do i get to stay on the base but there's an air show thats happening that week and ive been invited to take a flight in a JET!!! aaaah its gonna be awesome!!! ill get to live out my top gun dreams.. haha this is seriously very exciting.

Also next month in August im playing a benefit concert with Blues Traveler for Kelly's Whitewater park in Cascade, Idaho. i love being outdoors so i am really looking forward to spending the weekend out there! you should come too!

anyways, i better get back to work. have a good one!



I'm in Seattle! That flight was longer then my sleep last night... And I'm starting to feel it... But today's is gonna be a good one!! Yaaa
Grabbing a "light" meal before my flight saftey class... I've been warned the pilots are going to be flipping these planes!
@stephenkanicka dude the planes are almost here! The chase plane just landed

I have just entered ejection seat training... This is serious!!! http://bit.ly/culaxI

I'm riding in number 2 http://bit.ly/bO9Fkt

Trust me, I'm a pro. http://bit.ly/91Ex0y https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-Znbo_Zp55KtIqILrP5gAfiSOgETpgy2ymofaer7d02B8DFwcbByboAVNfEySk__LqeSETiL7uJSHSnOjpzbssF0TOa5E8kHwB088WrovxlQ-g5lyox0tdD9zMpp-VLIkeL_CuEnDPX8/I'm strapped in and good to go. See ya when I land! http://bit.ly/9YhU0G https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjo5l6JUe6bhwdHqa2Og1cmCLbdNprvIPSDIW6GZGjRxkSJYdt8YR9zGqZzCBKedwSytifwnXcctmB96qBXPCUaWTuYLKZip85Y9MztJeDJPzMBJVOh1sa486f5oEojJ-X_2vWD1GQjn04/
4.5 G's later, I'm back on the ground! I'm no Nancy! Haha http://bit.ly/dxhbFs https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhf9CPH95BJxQlWH2VbPg9YbskHkmD3hXiCkC2wc3CdiCM4fXp3YXYDboC43hOsJQF721WxGSX2SAzAYsQIK-ECrg4pDRPvCXzhiJOhMZKbttUIoNuNuACFQT0mxBD3FQcGG0oyGmIep9s/I'm going to get a video up of my jet ride... I had the flip cam going the whole time! Will share soon :)

Riding with the Patriots Jet Team was AWESOME!!! Thanks for the once in a lifetime experience... That was nice, reeeeal nice. Haha :D Just left weapons training... I'm officially an unofficial marksmen. Dangit. Haha Watching some pilots practice for the airshow this weekend.. This is unreal!! Seattle seriously, you can't miss this.
We got some new suits today... Mine is a little small... http://bit.ly/9LeIsL

Shooting guns at the Engagement Skills Training Simulator. This makes Halo look like Mario Kart. http://tweetphoto.com/33056038