
Billboard - Crazy

Jason Castro is known for bringing down the house with his acoustic version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" on 'American Idol' season 7 and, more recently, what Billboard called the "sprightly folk pop" of his late '09 single "Let's Just Fall In Love." But this ever-smiling Texan in dreads leaves aside his whimsical sound to put a passionate, stripped-down spin on the hip-hop soul of Gnarls Barkley's hit, "Crazy."

"It's a very schizophrenic song," Castro says of why he wanted to cover the Gnarls Barkley track. "It's a release, a way to breathe and let out that confusion inside."

Castro's sun-drenched "Love Uncompromised EP" earned a top ten finish on the Digital Albums chart in January. Gnarl's Barkley's "Crazy," which features a video splotched with Rorschach Test ink blots, zoomed all the way to No. 2 on the Hot 100 in 2006.